Digital Marketing & E-commerce

Digital Marketing & E-commerce

  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Rotterdam
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The main goal is to develop strategies and tools to better reach consumers and shoppers online with the Omega Pharma brands and their messages. The Leader Digital Marketing & E-commerce will convert this reach to purchases and repurchases through cooperation with selected partners to leverage insights in purchase behavior.


The Leader Digital Marketing & E-commerce is leading the end-to-end digital team. Responsibilities include developing digital marketing strategy and structures for the Omega Pharma brands, growing current online direct-to-consumer sales and developing the mid-to-long term business with leading e-commerce players. The latter is achieved by acting as a hands-on digital strategy consultant for internal departments and e-commerce retailers, discussing their online strategy and challenges, providing ideas, solutions and experiments to test new ways to increase online sales.


OTC is a unique type of consumer goods. In comparison to most FMCG brands, products have a longer shelf-life, the portfolio is far more diverse in order to meet customer needs and shoppers have a higher demand for information.

This makes OTC ideal for the online channel. Consumers do extensive research on the web before purchasing. Only 20% of brand-selections within this category are made at the point-of-sale, compared to 70% in general.

Influencing consumer decisions has become a science within FMCG, and Omega Pharma is the first OTC company contributing to it. Driving the rapidly growing online OTC business will be a playground for a pro-active entrepreneurial Leader Digital Marketing & E-commerce.


We would like candidates to be overqualified for the role, because if they succeed (and we intend they do) the role will grow very quickly and they need to keep up. Candidates need a lot of energy and know-how to achieve tangible results, so a background in online Category Management or Consulting would be ideal for this completely new role. In 5 years’ time, a significant part of the Omega Pharma’s brands and sales are expected to be online, and the Leader digital marketing and e-commerce will be a crucial driver in this development. Both within and outside the business, this will be regarded as no mean feat, setting candidates up for a stellar career in consumer goods or online.


Janko Klaeijsen Solliciteer
Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

“Meer dan 98% van onze kandidaten blijft onze nieuwsbrief lezen. Schrijf je in en geef jouw carrière een boost.”

Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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